Latest performance statistics for the Gabriola ferry service

Here you can find our analysis of monthly, quarterly and annual operating statistics reported by BC Ferries to the BC Ferry Commission. For ease of reference, the data is held in four separate files, each of which can be downloaded in pdf format by clicking on the title page image.

Monthly Traffic Summary

Monthly passenger and vehicle traffic statistics comparing each year back to 2019 (before the impact of COVID on travel patterns.

Data is published by BC Ferries in January, April, July and October each year and updated here when available

Monthly traffic statistics for other routes can be found on the BC Ferries website. Scroll down the page to select Traffic Statistics

Quarterly Operations Summary

Charts showing average traffic volumes, capacity ulilisation, on-time performance and overloaded sailings.

Data is published by the BC Ferry Commissioner on a quarterly basis and updated here when available

Annual Performance Monitor

Graphs showing long-term trends from 2010 to 2024 in traffic levels, customer satisfaction, operational and financial performance

Data is published each summer in BC Ferries’ Reports to the BC Ferry Commissioner and updated here when available.

Comparison with other ferry routes

Charts comparing Gabriola ferry operations with similar routes serving Bowen, Quadra and Salt Spring Islands between 2010 and 2024.

Data is taken from BC Ferries’ Annual Reports to the BC Ferry Commissioner and updated here when available.

For an overview of how BC Ferries is governed and regulated and the role of the Ferry Advisory Committees and BC Ferry Commissioner download our Ferry Fact File here