Tidal Restrictions affecting vehicles with Long or Low Loads
Link to tidal data for Nanaimo Harbour: https://www.tides.gc.ca/en/stations/7917
Long or low loads on ferries on the Gabriola-Nanaimo Route
Due to issues with the old terminal ramps being used by the new Island Class ferries, there are times when it is difficult or impossible to load long and/or trailer vehicles on the Gabriola-Nanaimo route. There is currently no ETA for the ramps to be replaced. As such, drivers of vehicles with long or low loads are advised to avoid traveling at particularly low or high tides.
Guidance from BC Ferries on tidal restrictions

Where can I find out about tidal conditions?
For tidal information, check out the predicted tide levels at https://www.tides.gc.ca/en/stations/7917
Information on tidal conditions is displayed in two formats – this Chart shows predicted tide levels over a 3-day period. Move your cursor over the chart or touch any part of the chart to show predicted levels at any 15 minute interval.
Alternatively, scroll down to the bottom of the page to find a quick-reference table giving predicted tide levels at hourly intervals over the next seven days:
Drivers of vehicles which are at risk of grounding due to tidal conditions are asked to check tide levels before heading to the ferry terminal, and may be asked to wait at the terminal until safe boarding can be arranged.