How busy will the ferry be?
Demand for car space on the Gabriola ferry varies from day-to-day and month-to-month, but with traffic data from BC Ferries we can predict the likely availability of vehicle space on any sailing.
The introduction of a two-vessel service on April 12th 2022 has influenced traffic volumes at various times of the day and with the benefit of traffic data for a recent six month period (May – October 2023) we are able to offer more accurate predictions of vehicle traffic levels on each sailing. The busiest sailings continue to be during the morning and early afternoon leaving Gabriola and during the afternoon and early evening leaving Nanaimo.
Timing your journey (if you can) to one of the less busy sailings will mean you spend less time in the ferry line-up and leave more space on the busier ferries for people who need to travel at those times. It’s a good idea to check the Gabriola FerryCam before you set off on your journey, and bear in mind that the capacity of the new ferries is smaller, so the ‘one sailing wait’ point on Taylor Bay Road is now ahead of the main turning bay.
The charts use four colours to indicate the likely level of demand for each ferry.

To download or print a copy of these charts in pdf format click here
Each chart represents the typical pattern of demand by time of day and day of the week, but doesn’t take account of special events, public holidays or unplanned cancellations. The FAC cannot be held responsible if traffic on any particular sailing is heavier than predicted. Remember, once it’s full, it’s full – and you’ll have to wait for the next sailing.
January / February

March / April
May / June
July / August
September / October
November / December
A reduced level of service operates on Christmas Day and New Years Day. Traffic levels are expected to be similar to last year: