Starting today, BC Ferries is inviting community feedback on the draft schedules for the 2 Island Class vessels slated to replace the Quinsam on the Gabriola-Nanaimo route in 2022. Please visit to participate in a survey on their proposal.
They are also hosting a Virtual Community Meeting on Tuesday April 6 from 6:00 – 7:30 pm to discuss the schedules. Please RSVP at this link:

Please take the time to let BC Ferries know your thoughts. This is an important opportunity to provide your input and share your concerns.
Unfortunately there is still a big gap in the evening. And really the ferry runs are not keeping up in the summertime.
There will be less capacity on the first three runs of the day when many have to commute to work, which will overload the ferry right from the beginning of the day and then most likely the ferries will never catch up, thus leaving long lineups on a dangerous winding roadway.
Two boats I assumed wrongly would of meant double the number of runs. I do like the early start time and late end run.
Good first attempt though.
Would like to see a schedule that works well with departures and arrivals at Departure Bay.
Overall this looks pretty good. I feel the evening gaps could be closer together (especially for our high schools students enrolled in extra curricular activities, who already have very trying schedules and need to get home to finish homework or get to bed).
We also find it frustrating when the big ferry or sea plane arrival times don’t line up with Nanaimo departures but I’m not sure how easily that is to trouble shoot (dream world though!)
If those evening lengths could be shortened even a little I feel you would have a great schedule and community would be mostly in support
There’s a big break between the 11:40 and the 12:55. It will create lineups on both sides.
Proposed schedule looks good. Not sure why the “e” designated time on Saturday is not a regular scheduled sailing since this is during a busy period.
All else looks great!
It would be helpful if there was a note explaining the logic/reasons behind the gaps in this proposed schedule.
Yes I agree the backups will start right away
Could we get an extra ferry run between the 6:20 and 7:35? There are many early morning commuters, trucks, leaving from Gabriola and if you fit less people on the boat, there will more people that can’t make it to work or school on time. 6:20 used to be a a guarantee to get on, but as more people more here and commute, it was getting full more often. It’s always been a long delay waiting for the 7:35 if you can’t get on. Would also make the 7:35 less congested. Extra ferries after 8:00 is too late in this case. This will mean lining up even earlier for the 6:20 to make sure there is a spot. Thank you.
yes, that’s what we thought as well…. this space will start the line ups… as right now they are mostly always full… and these boats will take fewer cars….
The difference in the amount of vehicles using the ferries now verses the amount when this new schedule was first suggested is noticeable. It’s going to be interesting to see what happens.
Overall, a great improvement. An extra ferry in the morning between 6:20 and 7:35 and then another ferry in the evening between 6:15 and 9:10 pm would really serve the island better.
Several thoughts
Please publish the ferry vehicle demand/load history.
Please model the performance of the proposed schedule against the demand/load history.
Where are we now with demand relative to what was forecast several years ago.