The Gabriola FAC is pleased to announce that BC Ferries has agreed to a limited traffic control trial on Taylor Bay Rd. for selected days this summer. Flaggers were on site testing the logistics today, May 18. The trial will be in effect on our busiest ferry days (Tuesdays and Thursdays) from June 15 until late August.
The flaggers will be there to help manage the lineup and to provide information and direction to drivers. They will not be issuing tickets. The FAC trusts that all drivers will comply with the flaggers’ directions and treat them with respect.
BC Ferries has also committed to installing a portable toilet on Taylor Bay Rd.
The FAC will be gathering information from Gabriolans later this summer about their experiences with the traffic control trial with a view to finding out whether the community thinks it would be worthwhile asking BC Ferries to continue and expand this program in future years.

Thank you!!!!