BC Ferries has now launched its own on-line customer survey on the proposed schedule change. Essentially, they’re asking “which do you prefer, the government’s proposed cuts or ours?” If you respond to this survey, make sure you tell them about any concerns you have with their latest proposed schedule by clicking “yes” to the question   “Do you have any comments related to the proposed schedule changes on this route?”.

The FAC believes that some further adjustment will be needed to make the new schedule work; if you do too, make sure you tell BC Ferries so. You can find the survey at http://www.bcferries.com/about/publicconsultation2/2014_service_Level_adjustments/

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One Comment

  1. The early morning and late night ferries should not be cut. Too many Islanders, including shift workers, students, and people who have to make connections either on Vancouver Island or the Mainland will be negatively impacted. No less important is the fact that Gabriolans will no longer be able to enjoy and support movies, concerts and late dinners in Nanaimo if the last runs are cut. Our ferry is our means of transportation – our highway. Are other BC highways closed at nine o’clock at night?

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