The Gabriola FAC met today with BC Ferries to hear about their plans for work on the Route 19 terminals in Nanaimo and on Gabriola. A news release describing the upcoming terminal work on Route 19 is now available at:

In brief, the work will be very limited in scope and thus will not require long terminal shutdowns. BCF says there will be shutdowns for a total of up to 10 days (not consecutive days) at each terminal, and likely some overnight closures.  Work will start this fall and continue through the winter.

The work includes life extension of terminal components and electrification for the new ferries scheduled to arrive in 2027. It does not include replacement of trestles or ramps and so does not address the low and high tide issue for long loads. It also does not include a separate tie-up berth for the Gwawis.

On-Gabriola information sessions, with opportunities to ask questions and provide feedback, will be scheduled in the coming months.

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  1. This certainly reduces the problem of shutting down the island for 6 or more weeks. Unfortunately, it does not address the issue of long loads getting high centered or existing problems with the ramps not always working. Very disappointing from an improvement point of view!

  2. They NEED TO PUT A SECOND BERTH ON BOTH SIDES. Otherwise mechanical problems with one boat shuts down the whole route!

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