The Islands Trust Council today passed the following resolution:

That the Islands Trust Council request the Chair to provide a submission to the BC Coastal Ferries Community Engagement expressing Council’s deep concern about the process by which ferry service reductions are being implemented, including:

  • Service cuts being imposed on top of fare increases above the rate of inflation that are expected to generate an additional $190 million this performance term;
  • Elimination of sailings that are crucial to ferry users’ employment , education and other core activities;
  • Absence of any analysis of socio-economic impacts of service reductions;
  • Lack of effective consultation with affected communities and of any consultation with local governments;
  • Inadequate provision of sufficient information, time and resources to identify alternative options;
    • Abandonment of the previous contractual requirement for BC Ferries to provide appropriate advance notice of schedules; and
    • Lack of due regard for principles articulated in the Coastal Ferry Service contract, which states that “the coastal ferry service is integral to economic growth and development” and in the Coastal Ferry Act which provides for considering the interests of ferry users.

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